1.7 Delegation

by Eric Chaet

A bunch of sparrows
burst across my path
& all over a bush
as I was walking to work
wearing their cruddy feathers again—
I don’t guess they ever change.

Moved so fast, I never counted them—
talked, sang—& were off again—
before I could decipher
what language they were negotiating in—
all over the blue & clouds & sun
& as nowhere to be seen as seeds
before I realized they’d visited me!


traduccion – Espanol: Eric Chaet y Michael Bent

Un grupo de gorriones irrumpieron a través mi sendero
y cubrieron completamente un arbusto
cuando iba a pie a trabajar —

vestiendo sus plumas manchadas otra vez —
no adivino que mudan nunca jamás —

se pusieron de cambio tan rápidamente, no los conté nunca —
hablaron, cantaron — y despegaron otra vez —

antes de que pude decifrar
en cuan lenguaje estaban negociando —

cubriendo azul y nubes y sol
y tan visto en ninguna parte como las semillas
antes de me caí en la cuenta que me hubieron visitado.


Previously published in the Omaha World-Herald Sunday Magazine (USA), Dictionary of International Poets (Korea).
Also posted online @ the International Poetry Translation & Research Centre (China).


cosmic political economy series

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